The HistoryMakers Video Oral History with Douglas Turner Ward


The HistoryMakers Video Oral History with Douglas Turner Ward

6/10/2005; 9/21/2006; 11/29/2006; 4/28/2010

Playwright, stage actor, and stage director Douglas Turner Ward (1930 - ) was a Tony award-winning thespian and the founder of the Negro Ensemble Company. Ward was interviewed by The HistoryMakers on 6/10/2005, 9/21/2006, 11/29/2006 and 4/28/2010, in New York, New York. This collection is comprised of the video footage of the interview.

Total Sessions: 4; Total Tapes: 19; Total Run Time: 09h 06m 06s


SNAC Resource ID: 11635309

The HistoryMakers

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Ward, Douglas Turner, 1930-2021 (person)

Negro Ensemble Company co-founder, actor, director, and playwright Douglas Turner Ward was born Roosevelt Ward, Jr. on May 5, 1930, in Burnside, Louisiana. Ward was a descendant of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, founder of the Ku Klux Klan; his great, great, great-grandmother, Elnora, owned as a slave by Forrest, bore a child with him. Ward's parents, Roosevelt Ward and Dorothy Short Ward were field hands, but they owned their own tailoring business. Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana, and attend...